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This brings a new meaning to the word.. -LOL
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Some pretty creative bounces in this trick shot compilation, and aren't these videos always great to watch when you're hungover?
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Black Friday. Don't do it, people. If you want a tradition worth being a part of then stage a once-a-year looting spree of all your favorite high street tat peddlers. Don't trample your fellow man just to get a 50% off deal, you scumbag.
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Sometimes you have to go that extra mile to get that 'special' shot. Unfortunately, the cameraman is probably going to have to erase that tape unless he wants video proof that he crapped his pants - OMG!
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This Sea Lion does sit ups like Rocky training for a fight.... Actually it looks more like Steven Seagal training for a big meal.
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It's a condition that you've probably never heard of before but thanks to this informative and hilarious song about it, you're unlikely to ever forget it. Props to PunchRobert, here's hoping they find a cure!
Comments: 1
Good old Bill, completely destroying science with his dumb arguments. Works of scholarly genius like "How did the moon get there?". Gee, I dunno Bill, maybe it accreted from the debris after a collision with another celestial body.
Comments: 3
Isn't it always the same, or is it? maybe it's not a case of 3rd time lucky? The first two guys get some massive air swinging on a vine, the third guy...not so much.
Comments: 6
OMG, those mutant bubbles, they’re attacking those poor children who’re just trying too enjoy a day out at the beach! It’s hideous. HIDEOUS! It’s going to be a massacre!
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Just When You Thought Conan Was Already Crazy....
Comments: 4
This guy's attempt to leap across a river using a tree branch ended disastrously, but he's lucky. The water should wash those grass stains right out.
Comments: 4