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70 Lb Heavy Bag Dropped On Nuts
Sometimes things go waaay beyond stupid - I think we can be reasonably sure that only one of the bags in this stunt will last to see (and perform) another day - OMG!
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How the hell can you get something so simple wrong? I guess when you vaty it you can! This would've gone from funny to awesome if he'd been going for the fist bump, instead!
Comments: 4
Two speeches, from two very different men, both duelling with each other but one flies as high as King Kong atop the moon, the other flops like Hugh Hefner’s love life without Viagra.
Comments: 0
A thousand-frame-per-second camera captures amazing footage of people spraying snot everywhere. Imagine what will happen when the porn industry finds out about this.
Comments: 0
I'd rather bury my face in his dog's tits, personally. It's not trying quite so hard and has three times as many nips. Nah, she's alright really. I bet you any money this ad was paid for by the kid in it.
Comments: 0
I like the overly dramatic scaremongering music & voiceover this clip has, it gives it an edge that really isn't necessary considering the subject matter alone is enough to gross us out!
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You should never leave your cucumber unattended with your boyfriend if you're not going to tell him why he can't use it. -LOL
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With hair that flows like Zeus' mane and an autocue of justice - the legend Ron Burgundy is Back !
Comments: 1
Festive lolz abound with as the classic Christmas Carol story gets added innuendo in the form of bleeped out words. It's amazing what kind of filth you mind replaces words with when they're bleeped out!
Comments: 29
it's the epitomy of a 'bad day at the office', you are full of rage, but no one and nothing to take it out on - Cue an innocent elevator that you failed to get into and let your fury fly.
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Icons of Star Trek and Star Wars recently took to the internet arguing that their franchise reigned supreme. George Takei–the only actor who has worked in both–stepped in to broker the peace by identifying a mutual threat.
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