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Rave Toilet!
This is the coolest toilet I've ever seen! I'm only left wondering why it's taken so long for someone to come up with this idea. Break out the ecstasy, grab some toilet paper and lets go PARTY!!!
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If you fancy yourself as a bit of an environmental activist but don’t want to go all native and end up lost in a jungle somewhere, then just consume instead. That’s right, it’s that easy.
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In a city environment, you’re guaranteed to have some unwanted guests from the animal kingdom. Beasties like rats, pigeons, foxes, badgers, but it’s not every day that wolves start rocking up in your neighborhood. WTF!?!
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Now that Steve Jobs has joined that giant social network in the sky, there will finally room for other visionaries to develop some awesome inventions like this. It's so simple that even Mr. Jobs would be envious.
Comments: 72
Could a pair of jeans beat you in an arm wrestle? Probably. Could a ginger kid on a scooter get more chicks than you? Definitely! The jeans show they could definitely have your dad in a fight. And remember, chicks dig heros!
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Just remember that the axe can chop off more than a tree....Humans maybe? - Dad wants to show his kid how it's done and in the process almost kills his wife - WTF!?!
Comments: 37
If you missed out on all the delicious pancake action that was going on yesterday, at least you can console yourself with a video of a super fast white rapper spitting while flippin' pancakes.
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Having a bad day? Even if your dog keeps shitting on the floor of your tiny apartment you’ve had to move into while the divorce goes through. Even then, you’ll still laugh at this classic collection of clips.
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Some chick in the USA gets bitten by one before she has a chance to stomp it’s arachnoid ass – WTF!? Lock your doors, barricade the windows & forget the zombie invasion, there's a new kid on the block & it wants your blood!
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The formula is a simple, yet surreal one: take video from Star Trek TNG, remove the sound and replace with a stream of hilarious lip synched gibberish = AWESOME!
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Come on dude, you can't expect to go rushing into things with a pure young Ladie such as this - she may need some time... NOT!!
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