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Track & Failed!
You would think four weeks of practice leading up to this track meet would be enough time for these last two girls to realize this just isn't their sport. But where's the fun in that!?
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Because even LEGO gets it wrong sometimes... so here's some "outtakes" from the film featuring Lego Batman flying into the centre of the sun and messing up his lines and Morgan Freeman's God taking a tumble mid-sentence.
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American Idol host Ryan Seacrest insults a blind man by trying to high five.
Comments: 3
Just more evidence that cats are total dicks. A montage of cats doing what they do best. A compilation of dick move after dick move after dick move, all being perpetrated by our feline friends. Golden.
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Be warned, even if you're not afraid of heights you'll probably have an anxiety attack after watching these people dangle precariously off the edge of very high places like complete insaniac monsters.
Comments: 1,159
How come I’ve ended up on this weird site where lots of female flesh is on display and…oh my god…what are they doing with that…ew! Better use that handy new private IE8 browsing function :)
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Those trees might look all innocent, standing there all tall and that, growing real slow and looking like they’re just minding their own. But! There’s another side to them, a side that it takes a special kind of person to see.
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Who said classical music was boring? This is a piece called Julie-O by Mark Summer arranged for cello and beatbox. I'm guessing it's an attempt to make playing the Cello look cool and goddamn it, it's worked.
Comments: 77
These two guys were planning on using a shopping cart to ride down a hill but at the last second decided to use their faces instead.
Comments: 3
It's weird, but when women enter into a man's realm of FAIL it's much funnier. This girl tries to use a grocery cart to achieve flight, but fails with a spectacular nosedive, landing right on her twin engines.
Comments: 1
Get ready for some bedazzling bum-chum broomstick action and make with the lolz people as cut-up maverick Cassetteboy sinks his magnetic fangs into the latest Harry Botter and rips it a newbie!
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