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TV Hostess Blows Turkey Caller
TV hosts get embarrassed by a demonstration of a turkey caller that you operate by blowing. Laughter followed by awkward conversation. The first time is always the same.
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This family demolition crew screws up and sends a tower crashing into power lines. I think the flaw in the plan was probably including the little girl in the process.
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The world's saddest looking dog filmed in slow motion. It doesn't make him look happier or anything, it's just funny to see his flappy bits flapping around to music while he jumps for biscuits.
Comments: 0
Ford pranks a group of unsuspecting guys by secretly setting them up on a blind date with a professional stunt driver. After pretending to be clueless driver at the beginning of the date, she then takes the guys for the ride of their lives.
Comments: 1
Fat people falling over is pretty funny but when cats do it it's even better. It kinda reminds me of the last Shrek movie where Puss in Boots put on waaay to much weight and lost his mojo.
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If you thought being a butcher was an unskiled job, think again. This guy is a freaking artist. His medium is delicious bacon. That makes him the best type of artist as well! Mmmmmm. OM NOM NOM.
Comments: 4
YOU'RE DOING IT ALL WRONG! - but sometimes actions are waay louder than words & this guy's actions are screaming FAIL-FAIL-FAIL. Witness the most hardcore way to drink tequila ever invented - OMFG!
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This dude waits for a few seconds for an automatic door to open and finally gives up and just runs right through it.
Comments: 5
Behold the incredible might of this custom built 4.1-liter V8 chainsaw from Down Under—it's the only chainsaw you'll ever need. Trees will topple at a mere glance of this epic beast!
Comments: 2
Forget all that Neo & Matrix crap, if you really want someone to cum and save you then this is the lady who will do it - i'd love to plug into her :)
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A doting cat owner tries to capture a memorable moment with his cute new kitty, but he hadn't bargained on the jealousy of another cat, a cat who doesn't like anyone encroaching on his turf of being adorable.
Comments: 2