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Breast Implants On A Dude - WTF!?!
Not only has he spent some serious years in a gym, he's also spent serious $$$ on some implants, all for the ladies. Seriously! What kind of chicks does this DIY douchebag think he's gonna attract with a physique real men weep?
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This guy got his own handed to him by some lady who obviously was not in the mood. - LOL
Comments: 0
Even scarier than a Jimmy Saville pumpkin and more douchey than a Dane Cook Pumpkin. Yes, there's only one likeness that you should carve into you pumpkin this year if you want to explode the creep factor. David Cameron.
Comments: 0
A nutshot so painful that I'm afraid to watch it twice for fear of becoming sterile. For this dude life will never be the same again - OUCH!
Comments: 0
If you're a lazy b#stard who wants a segway but doesn't want to be THAT guy, then you can always buy yourself one of these. For a brief second you could fool someone into thinking you're almost cool. Possibly.
Comments: 1,403
If you're plagued with guilt after eating a quarter pounder for lunch, this video should help out. It compares various McDonald’s items with those from supposedly more healthy restaurants
Comments: 0
It's giant, it's HUGE, it's ferocious, it's pink and it's heading directly for us ! Aaaaarghh Hhhellllp !!
Comments: 2
This fancy wine lady is far too generous in her ratings. Except for Natty Light. Too hard on that timeless gem. Plus, she was giving the beers near the end a higher score because she was drunk.
Comments: 444
Are you a ma...or a little baby? This guy is never going to live this down.. LOL
Comments: 3
The title says it all - Sometimes it's better to keep your mouth SHUT!
Comments: 0
The ghostbusters theme is an instantly recognisable classic, even when it's being played by a bunch of floppy disk drives. I have no idea how people manage to get a tune out of old hardware. Must be turbo geeks.
Comments: 1