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Chuck Testa Taxidermy BOSS!
Prepare to witness the bitrh of a new meme! This is the most amusing advert for a bed invading taxidermists that you will see today. Guaranteed. Speak to Chuck Testa. He knows what's up.
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Patrick Boivin's animated awesomeness goes from strength to strength. From clunky stop frame to obvious CGI to this where the CGI is so good it leaves you wondering if maybe they just trained up a real life baby ninja...
Comments: 0
Love can make you do some strange things, and tearing someone's clothing while in the heat of the moment can make people do even stranger things. Like turn incredibly violent and start punching their boyfriend around the room.
Comments: 2
I'm sure it would have been a problem if it had been people fighting.. but this is just cute. LOL
Comments: 2
Next Action Media, the Hong Kong based media company that spices up the news by creating animated reconstructions have decided to break the news of Osama Bin Laden's death with a CGI reenactment of his grisly demise.
Comments: 31
This is the only time you don't have to really worry after the condom breaks.
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All good things must come to an end and it looks like it's time for this auto to meet the big scrap-heap in the sky! Time to pour out a 10W-40 in memory of this lowrider.
Comments: 1
After hours of study, we can safely say this girl's key mistakes were slamming into the dirt ramp, soaring through the air without her bike, and smacking into the lake.
Comments: 5
Looking tough is one thing but trying as ridiculously hard as this guy does and then going on to lose your fight must be a serious blow to the ego. Especially when you opponent looks like he just woke up and finished his breakfast cigarette...
Comments: 2
Snow White & the dwarves like nothing better then cranking up the choons & having a rave, doped up to the eyeballs on chemicals! He's not called Dopey for nothing you know!
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We've seen plenty of burnouts end with a fire but we've never seen one that actually starts with a fire. Rodney Waters HQ sedan goes up in flames right from the start at Kandos. It's crazy insane.
Comments: 3