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Full Body Erection
It's a condition that you've probably never heard of before but thanks to this informative and hilarious song about it, you're unlikely to ever forget it. Props to PunchRobert, here's hoping they find a cure!
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Be prepared everyone this is the most powerful and contagious prank you will ever see. At the end you'll have probably joined in the deceptive ruse. It is not for the faint hearted so watch with extreme caution
Comments: 0
It's Back To The Future with the least subtle in-jokes and nods to the movies you'll ever hear, but admit it. You still kinda want a pair of these don't you? Well there's only 1500 in the world auctioning for $3.5k to $10k.
Comments: 5
it sounds lame, but stay with it for a while! Looks like this flute beatboxing routine finally has some competition...let the deathmatch begin. AWESOME!
Comments: 2
Waay after youve drained the bag & tipped every last crumb into your eager mouth like your very life depended it, there's always the best part of the doritos left over. The orange finger fuzz. Enjoy.
Comments: 2
If it's too loud, you're too cold. Any moshers out there who think they are tough in a mosh pit, then try doing it in the Antarctic! Not a lot people know but penguins, they adore heavy metal music.
Comments: 1
This is freaky as heck. About halfway through, the crab actually exits his own shell fresh with a new one. Sometimes I wish I could do this and get a new body - It would mean i could eat all the KFC i wanted to!
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When meeting the Queen of England, it’s important to cock your leg out in the manner befitting a 12th century nobleman and then shuffle it about in a manner befitting a 21st raver.
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Soccer, the beautiful game, played by gentlemen with good manners and fair play held in the highest esteem. Unless of course you live in Mexico in which case ignore ALL of the above and let anarchy reign on the pitch!
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This might just be the greatest troll of all time. Mr Doubletalk poses as a reporter and pranks the Bridgestone Golf Tour Team.
Comments: 3
Possibly not what you were expecting from the title, but weirdly enough it's probably more entertaining. There's something immensely enjoyable about watching people being blasted with air 'til they look like Droopy Dog.
Comments: 3