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Dustin's Gif Shop
Expert Twitter hacker Dustin MacBride is back with a local advertisement for his own business. Need to add a little pazazz to your tedious website and/or blog? Look no further. A gif of Britney Spears will solve all you problems!
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These four guys were in near perfect unison up until one of them smashes his nuts on the top of a parking bollard.
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G’day mate! There’s nothing like getting the news that your tinny drinking, kangaroo shagging cousin from daaaan under is coming over for a little visit. It’s enough to make a grown man cry.
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After seeing Mrs. Doubtfire recut as a horror someone decided that it would be fun to recut the terrifying psychological horror Insomnia as a romantic comedy. You, sir, are a freaking genius.
Comments: 3
Taking candy from a baby is about as far as it goes when you wanna be mean. Babies have short memories & they might not even be that upset. But if you wanna get low down & nasty then this is how you do it!
Comments: 2
A female driver leaves her car in neutral while she is shopping and it rolls onto the highway. She is not doing the female stereotype any favours with this kind of driving.
Comments: 4
Torrenting for the new season of the internet’s favorite TV show is well under way, so it’s about time someone did an autotune of the first seasons. This is a fitting tribute to the residents of Westeros.
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It's not often a contestant on a VH1 reality show gives us words to live by, but the Greek Mystique, Jonny, does just that. America, it's not how hard you can hit; it's how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.
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The chiefs (chefs ?) of over-eating turn their hand to eating characters from fondly remembered cartoons from your childhood. It involves bacon, as you can imagine, and also the cooking and butchering of real turtles.
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Mirrors: Bad for ugly people's self-esteem for over 200,000 years. Calm down lady, it's not like you have never seen that face staring back at you before!
Comments: 2
This is one of the luckiest guys in the world.. witness a prank gone WAAY bad - LOL
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