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Typical In Japan
It might seem weird to western eyes, but this sort of thing is perfectly normal in japan. I went there on holiday once, and if I had 1 yen for everytime i was turned into a dairy cow and milked by midgets...
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Some people bend over backwards to entertain - I thought that after watching the first couple seconds that this video was a fake but this chick just has an amazing amount of flexibility.
Comments: 1
This song goes out to all the guys who've loved and lost... their dignity, trying to get the hot chick.
Comments: 1
This strange man has somehow eaten the souls of Will Smith, DMX, Eddie Murphy and Chris Tucker and now, by some form of mysterious energy, he can speak in their voices.
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Who needs laser-guided missiles when you have laser-guided Dobermans?
Comments: 3
Just skiing down a mountainside is not good enough for Mr Daredevil here, it's just too easy, there's no obstacles to death-defy, so this man takes to the streets and skis in a neighbourhood. Respect. Epic.
Comments: 3
Surveillance cameras show a quick-thinking guy save his classic Ford Mustang just in the nick of time, after not setting the parking brake caused the car to roll backwards out of a garage and nearly crash.
Comments: 314
Sometimes you hit the rail...and sometimes the rail hits you, HARD! This inline skater proved he wasn't a wimp, but he left the door open on 'wuss.'
Comments: 4
SsethTzeentach parodies League Of Legends and the legions of fanboys posting terrible videos about their favourite characters and how uber leet they are. This is what happens when a F2P game gets popular. Enjoy.
Comments: 2
Attempting the impossible? One man, one jar. Of Nutella. Will he give up? Will he get type 2 diabeetus? Watch & see. I was pretty sure he was gonna hurl around the 1 minute mark, , but he has real passion & commitment.
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Canoeing isn't something I've ever realy wanted to do. Fast flowing water full of sharp rocks? No thanks. These guys show off how cool it can be while confirming my decision to never ever try it for myself.
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