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Frame Of Mind
Some awesome amateur video jiggery-pokery (that's the technical term) featuring a couple of guys on beaches in Hawaii and an empty photo frame. It's been done before but it's still pretty damn cool to watch.
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The incredibly talented mashup maestro Pogo applies his abilities to Quentin Tarantino's best film and unleashes the result on Youtube. Not sure I remember those guys in red coats from the film, but everything else is gravy.
Comments: 96
SMU player Ryan Rosenblum boots a kick that takes a very lucky bounce over the opposing goaltender's head.
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Well, this is all a bit weird. When you have a scene like that in your short movie, then it doesn’t really matter that the film is about bestiality, because it has some hot-looking ladies in it. So, yeah, thanks Smokey!
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During a race in Spain, a car slides out of control during a curve and crashes into a mother and her daughter, flipping them into the air. Amazingly, no one was injured in the accident.
Comments: 3
Jessica Vanessa used to be a kindergarten teacher, but gave it all up to become a professional twerker. That’s right kids forget about an education, giving or getting, instead shake your rump on Vine.
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Probably the most epic tale ever told. They story of two men, some schmutz and the dreaded finger of doom. It's quite a long video but if you get to 2 minutes without skipping you'll be hooked for the duration, guaranteed.
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In case you’ve been in a drugged up stupor, a lot went on this last weekend news wise. And one of the tragic events that took place was the death of Amy Winehouse.
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This has both the weird factor and the titillation factor so bravo to it for doing that. A model gets attacked by other creepy models, but they just kind of pose her in weird ways. And they’re all in underwear.
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This is Lithuanian Žydrūnas Savickas who lifts, albeit momentarily, over 523kg of weight. Okay, it might not be above his head, but still, you wouldn't want to have a quarrel with the guy.
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It's way too hot for this dog to handle an outdoor pool, so he tries to bring it indoors. Clearly a little bit of brains go a long way... and get stuck at the patio door.
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