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Diablo Nerd Rage
It's hard to tell if this guy's rage is genuine or whether he is a CopperCab style self-mocking attention seeker. Either way he has an extremely valid point and makes it succinctly and with good grace.
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Daniel Pelletier, a 16 year-old skater who's paralyzed from the waist down, is still almost assuredly a better skater than you or I will ever be.
Comments: 1
Intergalactic pr0n is what those Jedi knights were really searching for. Using the Force they were seeking out the finest adult entertainment the universe could offer. Featuring an excess of purple lightsabers & strange creatures.
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This isn't so bad, so your girlfriends mom comes in her room and finds the two of you getting jiggy, that's threesome territory right there. You can bang two generations at once!
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If you have kids or have spent time with a toddler then you're going to LOL very much at this sketch, which shows things toddlers can get away with that if adults did it, they'd be ostracised from society.
Comments: 1
No matter how much your job sucks there's always someone out there who's got it worse than you. Take this guy for instance. He has to massage bikini models all day AND they expect him to come in and work weekends too! Poor guy.
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Looking like it's definitely a contender for this year's Darwin Awards is this little gem showing you what is probably the worst way to tee off. Ever. Why (or how) his buddy did this is no one's idea. That had to hurt like HELL!
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In this funny parody sketch from Above Average, travel accommodation website Airbnb makes snooping through other people's stuff even easier with their new "Airbnb Express" option.
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Yeah, you heard me right. This fine upstanding gentleman has created an slingshot that fires small vibrating massage devices at high velocities. He demonstrates their penetrative power on a block of ballistics gel.
Comments: 1
The Brits play cricket, occasionally rounders when they’re down the park. But they don’t play baseball, which makes them the perfect people to wind up the Americans with a terrible (brilliant) commentary.
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"It's intercourse Jim, but not as we know it!", unless of course you just happen to be one of the growing millions of internet-addicted virgins going steady with your laptop!
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