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Mike Tyson Is Scary
And if all of that lot doesn't work then he'll bite your ear off. As if Mike didn't cut an imposing enough figure, when he steps into the ring he's psyched himself up to believe he is an actual god. Scary dude.
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It's great to see that this pig can still get around despite only having his two front legs. What did Orwell say about '4 legs good, 2 legs bad'? It's all invalid when you think about how delicious he will be.
Comments: 1
It can be so confusing distinguishing between UK, Great Britain, and England. So probably the best way to do this is by the yellowing of their teeth and how Dickensian their accents are. The teeth come in various shades of yellow.
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Whether or not he was vegetarian before he picked up the rifle isn't really important. While he's relying on his hunting prowess for his meat eating needs, he's a vegetarian. Because he sucks and shooting.
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In a city environment, you’re guaranteed to have some unwanted guests from the animal kingdom. Beasties like rats, pigeons, foxes, badgers, but it’s not every day that wolves start rocking up in your neighborhood. WTF!?!
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Stay classy Dr. Drew. When Courtney Stodden decided to go on this show she should’ve known that they might uncover some truths in the shape of a round object that’s somehow found her way into her breasts. Whatever could it be?
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You may think the answer to this one is obvious, but it’s a red herring, so why it is we feel the need to lock lips? If nothing else you’ll learn that the scientific name for studying kissing is “philematology”.
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Hamsters are super cute with they way they fill their cheeks pouches with food. The BBC reveals all using an X-ray to show how golden hamsters store incredible amounts of food in their cheeks.
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You are going to engage with this with the overwhelming thought that this is going to be AWFUL, and i would have agreed with you, but i came, i clicked, and to my horror i found that i seriously liked it - OMG HELP ME!?!
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There are only a few things more truly terrifying than religious television - There truly is a god and his name is Rick Ashley - AMEN!
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With the amount of dash cameras in Russia it was only a matter of time before a montage of this caliber would come out, and now it has it's hilarious.
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