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Bunny Boiler Text Convo
After one fleeting date this poor fella gets a seemingly endless torrent of cray-cray texts from his bunny boiling one-night-standee. Nothing quite says DESPERATE like banging on someone's door shouting that nobody makes you smile like they do...
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When all else fails, the only recourse is to sound the conch and gather together this elite team...
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At first I thought this dude was nuts not wearing a helmet, but I guess it really doesn't matter much. When you are falling from that kinda height no head protection on the planet is gonna save you if it all goes FAIL!?
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What happens when a pair of nightmare inducing good-time gals go out on the town? Well, it's very noisy, nail-on-a-blackboard irritating and it ends with a scene that will scare you to the core of your being.
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After seeing Mrs. Doubtfire recut as a horror someone decided that it would be fun to recut the terrifying psychological horror Insomnia as a romantic comedy. You, sir, are a freaking genius.
Comments: 3
Weird stuff.. I didn't know you could have sex with books.. WTF?
Comments: 3
Having a dog that can fetch a stick in the park is one thing, that's like part of their default settings. But having a dog go fetch you a cold beer out of the fridge is what separates the mutts from the hounds. Epic.
Comments: 22
If you’ve been on the internet, you’re probably a fan of Ken Block’s awesome Gymkhana videos. But you’ve probably never seen it done like this before, with a go-kart and a gorilla and a ladder.
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Bravestarr was a pretty awesome cartoon when it came out, but these things always seem better wrapped in years of fuzzy nostalgia. If you were to go back and watch him argue with his robot horse about bread it would seem less awesome.
Comments: 3
This dude squares up to his kick for nearly a minute then completely misses the target and hits his buddy in the nuts.
Comments: 1
Japan’s population could shrink by a third in 40 years because they’re not having enough bambinos—and who’s to blame? Why, the nerds of course and their virtual girlfriends.
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