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Scare Cam Mega Edit
You can trust on Vine to come up with some gems here - You all know what to expect from this one so there isn't much point in me writing anything in here. Hopefully it'll inspire you to film some of your own.
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Probably the coolest way anyone has ever been spanked in the face with a dodgeball. This kid barely does anything all game then busts out this little beauty. Kudos pal, kudos.
Comments: 3
So it turns out that you don't have to have a big old gut and man titties to be a good sumo. This Czech wrestler shows the Japanese fatties how it's really done, while maintaining a more slender look about him. Still got a silly haircut though...
Comments: 3
Lais Ribeiro is her name and inspiring innumerable teenage hormone turmoil is her game. No granny bloomers here, just cute cotton panties worn by a woman who's pertness is enough to make a grown man cry.
Comments: 194
This dude squares up to his kick for nearly a minute then completely misses the target and hits his buddy in the nuts.
Comments: 1
This is incredible. Andrew Walker has got a bit of a hop in his step doesn't he? And he enjoys sitting on peoples shoulders.
Comments: 3
Most normal reviewers would shy away from just giving Halo 4 a 10/10 score and proclaiming it as the game of the year. Not fitzthistlewits. He'll do just that while stuffing his face with Doritos and Mountain Dew.
Comments: 1
The flute rendition of the 20th Century Fox jingle was groundbreaking in it's simplicity and elegant beauty. Unfortunately for it's creator, he hadn't realised that Saxamaphone always trumps flute. This is my new ringtone.
Comments: 1
It's all looking good until it looks bad. This chick slams her back hard on the top of a pool after a handstand fail. I'm guessing that she won't be doing that again....EVER!
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Desperate times call for desperate measures, just make sure your buddies are the ones to try them. These Canadian fisherman are not having any luck so they send two men out to try and locate the fish. WTF!?!
Comments: 1
With a booty like that I'm surprised this car hasn't gone into light speed. But what a sight for saw eyes this is.
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