Cat Fight!
Super sexy hotties duke it out! I would love to go a few rounds in the ring with these babes! I wonder if they "go down" for the count?
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Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee that the following chicks are bone-fide geeks, but we can assure you they are cuties using stripped-down computers, or is it the other way around?
Comments: 0
A collection of jaw dropping doppelgangers. Genetically identical girls that constitute grade-A fantasy fodder. Personally, I'm holding out for tripplets.
Comments: 522
We all love a ranga, it's good to get a bit of variation in the mix & if the carpet matches the drapes, then you know she's for real. But remember, along with that firery passion comes a matching temper. 'Fire in the hole!
Comments: 0
It's a scary thought but when you have a look, some of these guys scrub up pretty good as chicks, and then again, some of them still look like they have been hit with the BIG ugly stick!
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Girls making out with other girls is a beautiful thing to behold. Especially if they're cute. The only thing that makes it better is someone standing behind them and pulling a face. Luckily this scenario is played out regularly in bars all over the world.
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Everyone loves bacon, except for maybe religious types and vegetarians, but they don't really count as people anyway. The rest of us love bacon and aren't afraid to say it. Then there are these guys, who take it a little too far...
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No photo is safe, they've gone too far, targetting innocent civilian photos. These are not just photobombers they are professionals, ruining photo's at will. OH THE HUMANITY. Sign me up to the war on photobombers.
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Its plain to see that the old saying "Dogs begin to look like their owners, and vice-verca is actually true. Just subtle similarities that make them a perfect match for each other.
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More and more people are discovering the power of self-image manipulation, but faiing badly at manipulating their own image. Unless these people are able to bend time & space that is!?
Comments: 35
It's good to see that at some point over the last few years cosplay really upped its game to an entirely new level of awesome! At it's creative peak can be a superbly entertaining spectacle (especially if they are cute).
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