Girls and Guns
You like chicks, right?? Course you do. How about guns? You like them? Think they're cooler than an eskimo's ice box? Damn right you do. What if we combined the two? Well check out this desirable duo...
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I wish I knew what bait to use to catch gorgeous beauties like these! Like they say, it's not the how deep you fish, it's how well you wiggle your worm!
Comments: 7
He will never be able to get rid of the little kid/Harry Potter image however hard he tries. In the later pictures when he is trying to look tough/sexy/thoughtful he looks like a biggest weiner on the planet. unlucky kid.
Comments: 188
You might think that only a weirdo would participate in a facial hair grooming contest. Judging by the look of some of these gentlemen, you might just be right. Let's just say that they all look a little excentric...
Comments: 4
Get ready to slip into a cheeky London Cockney accent, "It's time to get into a f(l)ap over some birds covered in oil, and i don't mean the feathered kind! - Something tells me these chicks are waay beyond rescue me ole' mucker!"
Comments: 0
The similarities are amazing! I know dogs look like their owners, but these transcend that. Unfortunately, some of my ex-girlfriends resembled Jabba the Hutt, not just in looks but in size.
Comments: 59
Ladies & gentlemen, boys & girls, mums & dads, i present the planet's most elite photo-opportunist, bent on invading everyone's personal photographic moments. Legend!
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We all have our lazy days but these guys have got slacking down to a total science. Instead of judging these lazy-ass people, maybe we should respect them for their ingenuity, If we could be bothered that is!
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Trust good old Mother Nature to cum up with millions of years of evolution to produce some of the most beautiful natural monuments the planet has ever seen - I would gladly plant a flag on ALL of them :)
Comments: 0
You find the perfect girl and you feel as if your future is set for life, you gaze at her across the room and wouldn't change a thing about her......*wait! It's then you notice she has extremely hairy arms and your dream is shattered.
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Some corrupted cartoon Disney characters guaranteed to ruin large parts of your childhood memories. Disney characters are such icons in our culture that any deviation from the norm induces intensive therapy.
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