Lovely Little People
A small collection of small people, are they cute? You be the judge. They have just as much right to express their sexuality as anyone else. This is what the guy in from dusk til dawn would call 'tiny pussy'
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These cosplayers are mos def doing it right, from revealing femme costumes to just plain badass outfits that look just like the characters they're based on. These people are full of win.
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A collection of girls who still manage to look hot with their heads in the toilet. It would be a sad, sad world where girls didn't get drunk like this. A sad world where guys had to rely on sparkling conversation and charm.
Comments: 1
You know how the rest of the song goes!I love the fact that whenever chicks gather together the temperature begins to soar and even the dullest of parties begins to kick off!
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Yep, that's right, the fabled Spring Break is drawing ever closer and the main reason why you went to college to study will become apparent. It's a time to meet with other students and converse about coursework and everything educational. Isn't it?
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Getting a tattoo is a very personal thing, so get it right. If you're going to get something indelibly inked under your skin, visible to all, you'd better make a statement. Something meaningful. "I like McDonalds" is a perfect example.
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Just like the story of Snow White girls can't help looking at their reflection. Now they usually have a camera handy and upload to Facebook to get their friends to decide.
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So many memes that by the end the words will have no meaning. Enough to ward off even the most die hard forum trolls. But remember, you may think people are hating but in reality, nobody really even gives a shit.
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Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee that the following chicks are bone-fide geeks, but we can assure you they are cuties using stripped-down computers, or is it the other way around?
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Do you ever wonder sometimes that if there is a god, why in 'his' name did he only make the weekend last for 48hrs? I mean, i know we are meant to spend Sunday honoring his existence, but that leaves no time to look at stuff like this!
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You don't often see girls with heavy weaponry. You see them with lollipops and copies of that Shades of Gray thing and hair brushes and glasses of wine and other girls, but you rarely if ever see them with big guns. Until now.
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