Brilliant Or Stoopid?
Sometimes when you see something, you think to yourself 'My god, what an awesome idea! How did no one come up with it until now?!' and other times you'll think 'My god, what a stupid idea. What kind of moron designed this?'
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You really don't need a dirty mind to see the double-entendres on display here. It's the comical result of space-saving and abbreviation failage on an seriously epic scale. What were they thinking. Seriously?
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Trust good old Mother Nature to cum up with millions of years of evolution to produce some of the most beautiful natural monuments the planet has ever seen - I would gladly plant a flag on ALL of them :)
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Imagine if, instead of putting gushing quotes on movie posters, they had the one-star amazon reviews on instead.
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For those of you who are without a girlfriend to cuddle during these long summer nights, don't despair, there's hope for you yet! Believe it or not not all of the cute chicks on the planet are taken.
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More truthful titles to popular movies. If movies were titled this truthfully in the first place, perhaps it could have saved us some money!
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They're your friends, girlfriends or wives who like to share a joke. They don't mind if you look because they like the attention. Women, we salute you, with our hands and sometimes with other parts of our anatomy.
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"Houston, we have a problem!" - Cute chicks have invaded the planet earth - BUTT, it's all good as they are insistent in displaying their rather fine rear assets for anyone who cares to look!
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I dunno, but there is something slightly attractive and dangerous happening at the same time here? Maybe it's a 'no pleasure without pain' kinda thang? For those of you who love babes with some serious mouth machinery !
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With the right camera, a badass lens and some serious photography skills you can almost make golf look exciting. Impressive stuff. Apply that to a genuinely exciting sport and the pics are trouser moisteningly good.
Comments: 6
American Football, or yankee hand-egg as it's known to the rest of the world, is just a sport like any other. With the addition of lovely ladies in lingerie however it transcends the mere boundries of sport and becomes AWESOME!
Comments: 27