24 Pics That Show The Angle Is Everything
Finding just the right angle to give photos that WTFactor is sometimes a matter of skill, but mostly it's a matter of chance. But if and when you succeed, you have a once in a lifetime shot that you can feel stoked about.
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A theme park called Jeju Loveland in South Korea, dedicated to the greatest pastime in the world. It beats another saccharine year at Disney World, surely?
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Here's a transformation that would make Optimus Prime run away and hide in fear & proof that you CAN have too much of a good thing! What starts off as a cute chick suddenly gets very ugly. Please STOP!
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MOM -- LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME MOOOOOOM?? Some people will do anything to gain their their parent's attention and in the process seriosuly hamper their chances of ever working in the service industry.
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It was a great New Years Eve party, wine, women & song flowed like it'd never end. Now there is the small problem about making it home, which sudddenly seems a looong way away, if you can still remember where it is?
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I bet you were thinking i was talking about funbags, you did, didn't you? Well, you were olnly half-right, this is the ultimate double damsel delight, yep, twins! Just imagine it - PERFECTION!
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Just like the story of Snow White girls can't help looking at their reflection. Now they usually have a camera handy and upload to Facebook to get their friends to decide.
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Imagine life as just one big ocean, filled with cuties. All you have to do is dip in your rod and before long you'll get a nibble. Now if only things were as easy as that there would be no more wars and total world peace. Nice thought.
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Ok, so here's a test that 95% of the male population on this planet are sure to fail. Try as hard as you can to stare into the various ladies eyes and don't let your eyes stray, even for a second.
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We all have our lazy days but these guys have got slacking down to a total science. Instead of judging these lazy-ass people, maybe we should respect them for their ingenuity, If we could be bothered that is!
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"Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in a while you could miss it!" - Wise words from Mr. Buller, we all deserve a break and these girls show you that sometimes it's good to be left 'behind'!
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