Star Wars Graffitti
Despite the prequels, everyone loves Star wars. So much so that they will even risk imprisonment to create Star Wars art! There's no chance for Lucas to mess these up unless he's got a bucket of whitewash.
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Proof that under all that flubber lies a ripped body just waiting to be shown off. Kinda. I'm guessing that quite a lot of personal work was required to make some of these body alterations posible. Respect
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A selection of 40 pics that couldn't really have been timed any better. You've got to either be one lucky son of a gun, or a photo taking ninja to get shots as brilliantly daft and hillarious as these.
Comments: 30
These young celeb studs had all the young girls dreaming about them. What do they look like now? Some look very different and some look almost the same!
Comments: 77
Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn - If you have a friend with OCD and want to troll them real good, you could do worse than to copy some of these pranks.
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Sometimes when you are taking a photograph the camera records an action event at precisely the right moment and shows the scene in a way that would never be possible to see as it was happening. Awesome.
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Think about it before you turn away in horror, all good things come in pint-size packages. Honest! Lets face it, there are definitely 'certain' advantages to be explored!
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Get ready for some self-inflicted portrait pretties, brought to you by both the joys of the digital camera & the sharing of information rapidly over the internets! In later life they may regret these pics being all over the web but, meh, who cares!
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Take some anime or a movie, then get it subtitled by someone with a thing grasp of the English language. It might not be to everybody's tastes, i guess it really depends on how silly your sense of humour is!
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It's important that despite all the famine and suffering in the third world that us in the first world can soldier on and find interesting new ways to spend our unearned wealth on extravagant eccentricities like these.
Comments: 143
So another Monday morning rolls around and i'm sure we are all reflecting on what a bizzare and horrific week it was, especially is you were a resident in Boston MA. It's a sad world. Time to restore the balance and cheer you up with some LOLZ pics.
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