Star Wars Graffitti
Despite the prequels, everyone loves Star wars. So much so that they will even risk imprisonment to create Star Wars art! There's no chance for Lucas to mess these up unless he's got a bucket of whitewash.
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She just gets stranger and stranger - If I had children I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want them going to one of her live shows. Not only would they get crushed but their eyes would be burnt forever as well. WTF!?!
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An epic collection of pictures that are unified simply by the fact that they're awesome - It makes a for an amazing collection of imagery that will satiate your visual appetite!
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Another glorious Monday morning & another glorious gallery of whatever-the-hell weirdness that the internet had to offer over the weekend. All the best images have been skimmed off the top & are here for your perusal.
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Japan is the future and parts of it are stranger than a lot of science fiction. Where the men are schoolgirls, the schoolgirls are pillows and the women are being probed by tentacle monsters. It really is my kinda place.
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The weekend is dead. It's monday morning which means it's time to get up wipe the crust from your eyes and stagger to the porcelain throne that is Slacker Network for the most important dump of the week. Our pic dump.
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A collection of awesome artwork from various sources - Mike Mitchell's character art, Benjamin Carre's Star Wars paintings and the artworks submitted for the DC Movie Poster competition
Comments: 9
Of course having a tattoo, an all-over tan or a spiky haircut doesn't automatically make you a douchenozzle, but it definitely means you have douche-tendancies! Ladies BEWARE!!!
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We all have our lazy days but these guys have got slacking down to a total science. Instead of judging these lazy-ass people, maybe we should respect them for their ingenuity, If we could be bothered that is!
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Time to witness pure evil, right down to correctly applied eyeliner, torn fishnets, asymmetric hair and a huge appetite for cake and abject misery - And you thought you had it bad!
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As Cyndi Lauper shrewdly remarked, 'Girls just wanna have fun, oh girls, just wanna have fun. That's all they really want!' And when you're on vacation it's all about having fun, and these girls look like they know how to do that!
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