Very Unusual Restaurants!
You can never have an ordinary meal at any of these establishments. This is one for those who require a certain amount of ambiance for their dining pleasure! The toilet restaurant is not only fun, it's convenient (boom-tish)!
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It's cookbooks for experimental eaters. If you're bored to death of meat & two veg why not try cooking with actual testicles? I've heard they're best served with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.
Comments: 120
Some of the best gags from the Simpsons are the subtle ones, the ones that you probably didn't even notice the first time you watched the episode. Here's a selection of some of the most amusing Sign gags. Enjoy.
Comments: 9
It's small (very small) people with BIG ideas making a statement in today's modern urban landscape, mind you, it's easy to miss anything they are doing unless you look VERY closely. In today's big world this is micro-awesome!
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It's a scary thought but when you have a look, some of these guys scrub up pretty good as chicks, and then again, some of them still look like they have been hit with the BIG ugly stick!
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No one can resist smiling at these adorable little guys! Now, go share this link with your girlfriend. You know it will score brownie points!
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Whats better than a beach babe? Well, a tanned hottie who not only looks hawt, but can also ride a surfboard as good as any man - It's enough to make you bury your head in the sand and cry!
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A colorful collection of wasted chicks who still manage to look cute with their heads stuck down the toilet bowl & vomit coming out of their mouths! It's amazing there was still someone left standing to capture this with a camera!
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Man, it’s tough being rich. You may think you have a hard time making ends meet and trying to pay the rent/mortgage/maintain your Star Wars action figure collection, but that’s nothing compared to the dilemmas besetting the uber rich.
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Forget 'when animals attack!', the new trend in the critter community is to prove that humans are not the only species capable of interrupting a snapshot. Enter the masters of photo-disaster, the photobombing animals!
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Stone cold foxes come in many different shapes and sizes. Thanks to this gallery I've now learned that they also come with a variable number of eyes. 2 or 4 is preferable but if she's hot enough she could even rock an eye-patch or monocle.
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