Very Unusual Restaurants!
You can never have an ordinary meal at any of these establishments. This is one for those who require a certain amount of ambiance for their dining pleasure! The toilet restaurant is not only fun, it's convenient (boom-tish)!
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Truthful Tattoos. An oxymoron, surely? People get tattoos for various reasons, some of them look good, others look like a cancerous growth. Here's a selection of what they might say if they did have a semblance of truth!
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Getting a tattoo might sound like a cool thing to do, but for god's sake, think about it carefully, make sure you realise that it's for life. And under NO circumstances will Edward from Twilight ever be a good choice for a dude. FAIL!
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It might seem like yesterday to you but if in reality it was SO last century, can you remember all those daily things that you couldn't bear to be without (before the internet came around?). Time to get nostalgic.
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Sometimes it's difficult to make a differentiation between chicks in swimwear or underwear, but it's never any real problem for the males of the species because we like looking at them wearing both - So it's a win-win situation.
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These photos might just be a one-off & she could have had them taken for a laugh - However, by whatever fate or design, they found their way to the internet & for that reason alone i know there IS a god !
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A selection of 40 pics that couldn't really have been timed any better. You've got to either be one lucky son of a gun, or a photo taking ninja to get shots as brilliantly daft and hillarious as these.
Comments: 30
You might think that only a weirdo would participate in a facial hair grooming contest. Judging by the look of some of these gentlemen, you might just be right. Let's just say that they all look a little excentric...
Comments: 4
So here it is, the day of the week that feels like your human reset button has been engaged and life returns to, well, exactly the same as it did last week. That only leaves you 7 days to f#ck it all up again. Meanwhile, here are some pics.
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The workplace is the perfect place to let loose a little bit of that rage inside you, but only in note form. We've all been wound up by those disappearing drinks and stolen mice. So use words & not bullets to hit back.
Comments: 27
When it comes to photography, the difference between a yawn-tastic photo & sublime awesomeness is all about the right angle - Witness everyday normality transformed into total abstract wonder before your very eyes.
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