Very Unusual Restaurants!
You can never have an ordinary meal at any of these establishments. This is one for those who require a certain amount of ambiance for their dining pleasure! The toilet restaurant is not only fun, it's convenient (boom-tish)!
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Hilary Clinton. What a gal. All the men want her and all the women want to be her. Sort of. Anyway, it seems the denizens of the internet have been busying themselves by photoshopping her up for political lolz. Thanks guys!
Comments: 2
Lets face it, when it comes to photography, the difference between a yawn-tastic photo & a sublime work of pure awesomeness is all about the right angle - Witness everyday normality transformed before your very eyes !
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What's the planet coming to when public notice boards confuse us more than if nothing was there in the first place. Somehow i reckon that all of these establishments & products gets avoided at all costs. Be afraid.
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Not having 20:20 vision might be a disadvantage in some ways but it's won't stop you from being blazing hawt, as any of these optically impaired turbo babes will demonstrate.
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We regularly scour the internet for the most babely of all of the babes. Here's a random selection of some of the most babely - Bonus babe points were awarded for suggestive poses and skimpy apparel. Enjoy.
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Not to be confused with spastictastic which is something completely different, splitstastic is an expression used to embody the pure awesomeness of attractive ladies doing the spits. You'll never look at ladies in the same way again.
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he age of the self-shooting sweetheart is definitely upon us with a fine display of intimate self-portrait perfection.
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How is it that your phone always decides to go into troll mode whenever you're either texting parents, loved-ones or in the worst case, the wrong person. Some serious casualties of the iPhone auto-correct nemesis.
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Craig Grant bought a tree farm far away from the city and turned it into a sanctuary for all the cats he has rescued. He lives there with the cats and provides lots of love, care and companionship.
Comments: 1
I love the fact that where & whenever females gather together, the temperature begins to soar and even the dullest of parties begins to kick off - It's nature's way of letting us know who's really in charge!
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